Plumbing Problems – How to Detect and Fix Common Issues Yourself

Plumbing problems are never pleasant. But that doesn’t have to mean calling in a professional. Here’s some helpful advice from an expert plumber on what steps can help:

Homeowners can frequently resolve common plumbing issues without calling in an expert, including leaky pipes, clogged drains and low water pressure. Here are a few of them.

Leaky Pipes

If you detect damp patches in your walls, ceilings or floors – or an unexpected rise in your water bill – these could be telltale signs of leaky pipes wreaking havoc and costing thousands to repair if left untreated. Knowing these indicators of potential disaster is vital so as to be proactive about spotting these costly problems before it’s too late! It is vitally important that we recognize their telltale signs so we can detect and check for them accordingly.

Leaks can result from corrosion, physical damage or simply wear and tear over time, but regular plumbing maintenance will help your system remain healthy and prevent future leaky pipes.

Inspection is another smart idea: make regular inspections of the backs of cabinets, under sinks and behind water-using appliances for signs of moisture so you can identify and address it sooner – saving both money and stress down the line – plus helping protect against water damage and mold growth on your property.

Clogged Drains

Drains in your home handle a lot of water and hair, so it should come as no surprise that they may become clogged over time. Therefore, it’s crucial that you understand how to detect and repair clogged drains quickly so as to prevent further complications from developing.

If your sink, tub, or toilet drains start emptier more slowly or producing gurgling noises, it may be worth calling in professional drain cleaning specialists immediately – doing so could prevent expensive repairs down the line.

Clogged sink or tub drains can be caused by anything from food scraps and grease build-up, to hair and soap scum buildup. A plunger should usually do the trick for minor clogs; otherwise you could try pouring baking soda and salt down your drain followed by boiling water – take caution not to splash yourself! Also available at most hardware stores are drain covers designed specifically to block hair entry into pipes which could prevent future clogs.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can be inconvenient when your shower turns to a trickle or your washing machine takes forever to fill up, signalling various issues; usually though, this means calling in a professional plumber.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to establish the scope of the problem – is one fixture or several experiencing low pressure? If only a couple fixtures are affected, a solution might be straightforward; otherwise it could indicate an in-depth issue that’s difficult to assess without professional inspection.

Sometimes a neighborhood-wide issue affects water pressure, such as when the city water supply line becomes clogged or undersized. When this occurs, reaching out to your municipal water company is best. They may conduct repairs or install new services depending on the circumstances, while they might also suggest installing a pressure booster which increases force of delivered water into your home.

Rattling Pipes

When flushing a toilet or turning on a faucet, large volumes of water rush quickly through your pipes, creating vibrations that cause pipes to loosen over time and produce unpleasant noises of rattling and banging. A straightforward explanation for such sounds would be too much “wiggle room,” which you can reduce by having an experienced plumbing professional resecure pipe clips.

Other causes of noise from your pipes could include gurgling sounds that indicate there’s a blockage in one or more drains; plumbers can easily clear this out and stop this annoying noise before it worsens. Meanwhile, clunking sounds may indicate too much water pressure causing pipes to bang against walls or framing members; these issues are easily rectified by having your home’s water pressure adjusted appropriately by plumbers.

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